Keeping Well is a partnership between the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Services provided by Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust and West London NHS Trust. 

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought considerable challenges and stresses to health and care professionals.  Working longer hours in hospitals, community and care homes, seeing friends and colleagues become unwell, being redeployed or asked to work in unfamiliar areas may have impacted your stress, anxiety or mood.

You may have worries about your own or your family’s health and safety. You might be exhausted from juggling the pressures of home life and childcare, social isolation and the uncertainty that this period brings to all our lives.

The Keeping Well service is here to provide wellbeing and psychological support to staff at Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust, West London NHS Trust and Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust. If you work in health and care outside of these three Trusts please visit this page to find support local to you.

Download our materials and resources 

Take a look at our posters and leaflet for more information - please share our resources with anyone you work with who may benefit from our service. 

If you would like to receive printed copies of our resources please get in touch with us.