The CaRE Project (Creativity, Arts, Resilience, and Engagement) is an exciting collaboration between AHPs, Psychologists and Arts Psychotherapists.

The project follows the impact of the pandemic and is creative, collaborative, and experiential focusing on the strengths ofCare_Project.png the team, clarifying roles and team priorities. 

There are ten free spaces availbale for NHS colleagues/teams to start working with the CaRE project. If you're interested the team will work with you to co-produce a series of workshops or an away day, to enable safe reflection on recent events and to create shared narratives of team experiences and aspirations. Learn more by downloading their leaflet here.

Here is some of the feedback from teams that have already participated:

"The fact that there was a safe and supportive space provided by the facilitators made it incredibly easy to participate in each workshop.’

"Hopefully this will lead to more collaboration as we bonded together as a team and recognised each other's strengths."

"Reflecting in such a creative way about the impact the pandemic has had on us both as individuals and as a team. It was so helpful to hear about what other members of the team felt."

“I hope it allows all members of the team to see each other as equals despite the differences in 'Bands' and be able to share experiences and ideas more openly.”

To find out more about the project click here, if you would like an initial meeting to talk about what may be helpful right now, contact or to book an appointment online, complete this form.