First coined by the sociologist Judy Singer in the late 90s, Neurodiversity is an umbrella term used to describe natural differences in how individuals’ brains’ think and process information. It’s estimated that around 1 in 7 people in the UK have neurodevelopmental differences.
Common neurodiverse presentations include:
- Autism
- Dyslexia
- Dyspraxia
- Dyscalculia
- Dysgraphia
- Hyperlexia
The Neurodiversity Movement advocates that these presentations should not always be thought of as dysfunctional disorders or disabilities, and instead that individuals with neurodivergent thinking should be accepted and their strengths celebrated by society in valuing their differences.
While neurodiverse presentations do not fall under the category of mental health disorders, the impact of living with a neurodiverse presentation can affect an individual’s psychological wellbeing. For example, Mind have proposed that individuals with Autism may have higher rates of depression and anxiety for the following reasons: Autism and mental health - Mind
- Negative Attitudes, Stigma and Discrimination from other people
- Differences interacting with the world may prove more challenging in some cases due to differences in reading social cues, or having to adapt to a “neurotypical” world
- Misdiagnosis: Some experiences of Autism can represent similarities with mental health problems and sometimes be misdiagnosed, leading to people missing out on the right support for them
- Barriers to Support including long assessment treatment waiting times and an absence of local support services to access may worsen mental wellbeing
Watch the short video below which discusses common Neurodiverse presentations.
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by persistent patterns of inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity that interfere with an individual’s daily functioning.
ADHD – Emotional Wellbeing
Emotional Regulation - Many people with ADHD experience emotions differently - emotions may be more intense, they be may fast-building and fluctuate more, and they may appear spontaneously. It is estimated that emotional dysregulation affects half of all adults with ADHD.
These heightened emotions can be overwhelming and can cause frustration, irritability, anxiety or low mood and can have an impact on relationships, work and overall mental health. Therefore, it is important for people with ADHD to seek support to manage their mental health and wellbeing if they are struggling.
The Keeping Well team are here to support all neurodivergent staff with whatever they may be facing (whether this be related to your neurodiversity, work-related difficulties, and/or something else). You can contact us by either:
- Completing a self-referral form on our website
- Emailing us on with your details
- Calling us on 0300 123 1705 and leave us a voicemail with your details
Further information, advice and support for ADHD can be found in the following links below:
- ADHD UK has a list of tools and resources to support with productivity and organisation.
- Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition – Access to Work can support adults with ADHD in getting practical support, adjustments and specialist equipment to support them at work. It provides grants, equipment, extra support entitlement and more.
- AADD-UK - Contains resources, support options and information on ADHD symptoms. Updates are also provided on ADHD treatment protocols and pathways in the UK.
- The Adult ADHD Tool Kit: Using CBT to Facilitate Coping Inside and Out - A self-help book featuring a Cognitive-Behavioural approach to difficulties that adults with ADHD may experience.
- Centre for ADHD and Autism Support - Run a range of workshops and spaces to support adults with Autism and/or ADHD (diagnosed or undiagnosed) living in North West London. Services range from social groups to post-diagnosis courses where recently diagnosed adults can come to learn more about their diagnosis and understand what it means to them.
- ADDISS - Resources for parents, teachers and children regarding ADHD. ADDISS also has an information page on where individuals with ADHD can find coaches.
Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition characterised by significant differences in how an individual processes information, communicates and interacts with the world. The key characteristics that Autistic people may experience are differences in social communication and interaction, differences in approach to relationships, preference for sameness and routine, and sensory differences.
Research indicates that the majority of autistic adults prefer identity-first language rather than person-first language. Therefore, we will use identity-first language on this webpage. However, we recognise that every individual is different and will always accept the language an individual chooses to use themselves.
Individuals who believe they may be autistic can speak with their GP and ask about a referral to a neurodevelopmental assessment service.
Autism – Emotional Wellbeing
Masking, whether conscious or unconscious, is a strategy used by some autistic people to appear non-autistic and hide their autistic traits. Many autistic people find that they mask during school or work to avoid bullying, be accepted or blend in. Common masking behaviours include forcing oneself to make eye contact, memorising social scripts, mimicking other’s body language and facial expressions, supressing self-stimulatory behaviour, and tolerating uncomfortable sensory inputs. Masking involves supressing your needs and instincts and requires a significant amount of energy. As a result, masking can lead to depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, distress, exhaustion and autistic burnout.
Autistic Burnout is a state of intense mental, physical and/or sensory exhaustion. Although fatigue and burnout can happen to anyone, autistic people are more likely to be affected by this as a result of living in a neurotypical environment that does not accommodate their needs. Some causes of autistic burnout include masking, sensory overload, lack of adequate support, changes in routine, prolonged social interaction and excessive demands.
Autistic burnout can impact an individual in a variety of ways including heightened anxiety, reduced sensory tolerance, reduced ability to engage in daily tasks, and reduced ability to communicate.
The following guides by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust and National Autistic Society contain coping strategies for managing and reducing autistic fatigue and burnout.
The Keeping Well team are here to support all neurodivergent staff with whatever they may be facing (whether this be related to your neurodiversity, work-related difficulties, and/or something else). You can contact us by either:
- Completing a self-referral form on our website
- Emailing us on with your details
- Calling us on 0300 123 1705 and leave us a voicemail with your details
Further information, advice and support for Autism can be found in the following links below:
- National Autistic Society - provides information to help autistic adults, children and their families. Contains information and resources about Autism, as well as a directory of local support groups and branches.
- Autistic Doctors International - A group of autistic medical doctors who share a vision. They provide peer support and a safe space for their members. They also advocate and provide a voice for both members and autistic people widely.
- Autistica - is a research charity running projects to improve the lives of autistic individuals. Has evidence-based information about autistic characteristics, co-occurring conditions and a podcast about latest research.
- London Autism Group Charity - A charity for Autistic adults living in London. They run local support groups and community cafe sessions, so individuals can make connections with similar people. They also provide resources and information on Autism, advocacy and consultancy services to organisations.
Watch Tom’s account of his experience with Autism and the support he receives as an employee of the NHS.
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty which affects one’s reading, writing and spelling, with around 10% of the UK population having a Dyslexia diagnosis. Similar to Autism and ADHD, intelligence is not affected. Often signs of dyslexia are first spotted during early school years and some individuals require additional support for tasks. Employers are required to make reasonable workplace adjustments to help people with dyslexia such as extra time for specific tasks, and if needed can request assistive technologies and equipment.
Further information, advice and support for Dyslexia can be found in the following links below:
- Dyslexia - NHS - Information on signs and symptoms, assessment and support recommendations, in addition to resources for Dyslexia.
- British Dyslexia Association - an organisation for individuals who have Dyslexia or a suspected Dyslexia diagnosis. Information, resources and events feature on their website and this organisation can also help in arranging a Dyslexia assessment. They regularly run trainings for educational staff and employers on how to support employees with Dyslexia.
- The Dyslexia Association - an organisation which provides support and services for children and adults, parents, families, educators, employers and the wider community for Dyslexia. They can also help in arranging assessments for school and the workplace, as well as provide trainings.
- Dyslexia Association of London - a London-based organisation which runs events, support groups, webinars and meetings. Membership of the group is open to individuals, parents, teachers and to all interested in Dyslexia. This service runs a monthly support group for adults in Pimlico, as well as offer a platform for referring for counselling for individuals with Dyslexia to GroOops Dyslexia Aware Counselling.
Watch Richard’s account of his experience with Dyslexia during his medical training and employment.
Dyspraxia is characterized as having a learning difficulty affecting motor coordination, balance and organisation abilities. Some activities are impacted like sports, writing, driving and other educational or recreational activities. However, it does not impact intelligence. 10% of individuals within the UK have at least mild to moderate dyspraxia.
Watch this video below discussing the strengths and challenges of dyspraxia in the workplace and how attending a dyspraxia foundation workshop boosted their self-advocacy and employability.
Further information, advice and support for Dyspraxia can be found in the following links below:
- Movement Matters - Movement Matters is committed to making research accessible to non-scientific communities, such as families, individuals with Dyspraxia and anyone else who might benefit from the provided information. This organisation encourages accessible research findings to be shared with the non-scientific community on the Movement Matters website.
- What is Dyspraxia? - A website that provides information on neurodiversity and discusses the symptoms, causes and strengths of those with dyspraxia.
It is your personal choice whether or not to disclose your neurodiversity to your employer. Some people find that disclosing is beneficial so they can access reasonable adjustments and be better understood by their manager/colleagues. However, some people may be worried about a lack of understanding from colleagues or may have concerns about facing judgement or discrimination.
Reasonable Adjustments
Not all neurodivergent individuals identify as having a disability. However, most neurodivergent conditions are defined as protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 and therefore are protected from discrimination relating to their condition. Under the Equality Act 2010, employers have a legal duty to make reasonable adjustments for these employees.
You may not always know what adjustments you can ask for, what would be helpful and you may not feel comfortable talking to your manager about adjustments. It can be helpful to start by thinking about what you find difficult at work and brainstorm ideas around solutions. This can be done collaboratively with your manager.
It may be helpful to request an occupational health assessment to think about what adjustments you need. After the assessment, a report will be sent to your manager informing them on the proposed adjustments. You can ask to see the report before it goes to your manager and request any changes you want to be made.
If your employer cannot accommodate the adjustments you have asked for, there should be a conversation around alternatives.
Examples of Reasonable Adjustments:
- Assistive technology like speech to text software, screen overlays.
- Changes to the physical environment like alternative lighting or a quiet workspace.
- Adapted communication methods such as written instructions or visual aids.
- Flexible working hours, permission to take extended or more frequent breaks.
- Permission to miss social gatherings or team-building exercises.
- Allowing extra time for tasks, communicating changes to job plans clearly with plenty of notice.
Access to Work is a government programme which aims to help people with disabilities or conditions to stay in employment. Access to Work can provide an assessment to see what reasonable adjustments would be helpful for you including specialist equipment, practical support and financial support.
Reasonable Adjustment Resources
Neurodiversity - General
- This checklist has been designed to support neurodivergent individuals in thinking about what adjustments might be helpful for them.
- This guide contains examples of adjustments by looking at various challenges that may be experienced across neurodiversity and adjustments to support with those particular challenges.
- This guide by Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust contains advice and suggestions around reasonable adjustments for autistic people.
- This ADHD UK webpage has information about reasonable adjustments and a list of ideas for accommodations for individuals with ADHD.
- This document contains strategies and strengths of ADHD in the workplace as well as examples of reasonable adjustments.
Learning Difficulties
- British Dyslexia Association has published guidance and examples of reasonable adjustments for learning difficulties (dyscalculia/dyslexia).
Other services which neurodivergent individuals may find helpful for practical support and advice in the workplace including the following:
- Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition - A governmental service which employees with a physical or mental health condition or disability can apply to for additional support in the workplace to support their needs.
- Exceptional Individuals – Helping neurodivergent people find work and companies be more neurodiverse friendly - A service providing consulting, recruitment and employment support to neurodivergent individuals, including workplace needs assessments, support with CV-writing, interview preparation and job coaching.
- Workplace neurodiversity training from The Brain Charity - This organisation runs neurodiversity training for employers on aiding their understanding of neurodiversity and how best to support neurodivergent employees.
- NHS Trusts should have a Disability and Wellbeing Staff Network for their Staff members to join. Check your Trust intranet to find the contact of your local Network Lead and how to enrol in the Network. Read more information about NHS Staff Networks
- Acas – A service for employers and employees providing free, impartial advice on workplace rights, rules and best practices, as well as resources.
The video below features NHS staff members discussing their experiences of neurodiversity, particularly in the workplace.