International staff play a hugely important role in the functioning of the NHS, with around 265,000 individuals making up the NHS workforce (House of Commons Library, 2023).

We understand that moving to a different country to take up a role in the NHS can be a big adjustment, one that may be accompanied by a mixture of feelings such as excitement, apprehension, nostalgia and sadness.  Moving can also lead to new experiences – both positive (such as making new friends and learning opportunities) and negative (such as social isolation and experiences of discrimination).  It’s important to look after one’s mental health and wellbeing when going through such a significant change.

The Keeping Well team are here to support all international staff with whatever they may be facing (whether this be related to moving countries, work-related issues, relationship difficulties, and/or something else).  You can contact us by either:

  • See our following pages: Support resources for Black, Asian and ethnic minority (BAME) colleagues
  • NHS Trusts often have staff networks or groups that staff can join to meet and share with others.  Information about this is likely to be found on your Trust Intranet/website or in staff newsletters
  • There may be local community groups in your area for you to join – you might be able to find such groups by: