On this page, you will find signposting information and resources relating to issues that, in the main, affect women.

There are many forms of gender based violence; psychological, physical, sexual and verbal. Any individual can be the perpetrator. Gender based violence can take place in all workplaces, across all sectors impacting individuals in both the public and private sphere. It is important to continue to expand our understanding of gender based violence, through open-minded discussion and advocacy.

National Domestic Violence Helpline

This freephone 24 hour helpline, run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence. The helpline can give support, help and information over the telephone. All calls are completely confidential. Live chat is also available. Telephone: 0808 2000 247

Women and Girls Network
Offers immediate, free and confidential specialist emotional support for women and girls who have experienced recent or historic sexual violence and abuse. Also provides information and signposts to sources of advice about the legal, housing, medical and benefits systems. Advice line is also open to professionals who need support on cases related to gendered violence. Telephone: 0808 801 0660 or email advice@wgn.org.uk

UK charity providing specialist support for women and children experiencing domestic violence. Runs a range of specialist services to help survivors access safety and rebuild their lives. Creates bespoke support plans. Services include refuges providing emergency temporary accommodation; outreach workers that support women in the community; independent advocacy; culturally-specific services and gender-based violence services. Telephone: 0808 2000 247

Women’s Aid
National charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. Live chat helpline and survivor’s forum, information and support including refuge accomodation, downloadable resources including survivor’s handbook. Email helpline@womensaid.org.uk

Bright Sky app

A safe, easy to use app and website that provides practical support and information on how to respond to domestic abuse. It is for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or who is worried about someone else. Bright Sky helps you to spot the signs of abuse, know how to respond, and help someone find a safe route to support.

Free to download:

For further support visit our staying safe: domestic violence and abuse self-help resources page.

British Pregnancy Advisory Service
Providing help to women with an unplanned pregnancy, or a pregnancy they choose not to continue with.

Family Planning Association
Provides straightforward information, advice and support to all people across the UK on all aspects of sexual health, sex and relationships.

Marie Stopes International UK
The UK’s leading provider of sexual and reproductive healthcare services.

Women’s mental health charity that provides independent advocacy and emotional support through the mental health and criminal justice systems.

Explore more tools and resources around family planning and sexual health

Information leaflets providing women and their partners with the facts they need to make informed decisions, in conjunction with their healthcare provider, about use of a medicine(s) in pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy Information Centre
Has rounded up the most common early pregnancy issues and worries so that you can find what you need.

National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
Information and support in pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood.

See also our pregnancy and maternity wellbeing page for more.

Bloody good period
Fighting for menstrual rights and equality. Services include education about sexual and reproductive health, delivery of pads and menstrual supplies but also normalisation of this topic.

Bladder and Bowel Foundation
Provides information, help and support for adults aged 18 years and over who have experienced either a bladder or bowel problem or both.

Cystitis and Overactive Bladder Foundation
Giving support to people with all forms of cystitis, overactive bladder and continence issues together with their families and friends.

Daisy Network
Support for women who have experienced premature menopause.

Menopause Matters
An independent website providing up-to-date, accurate information about the menopause, menopausal symptoms and treatment options.

National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome
Providing support for all women and their families who are affected by PMS and related menstrual health problems.

Target Ovarian Cancer
Provides advice and support for women with ovarian cancer via their website, publications and a free-to-attend programme of events and courses.

Pelvic Pain Support Network
Supports patients with pelvic pain whether they have a diagnosed condition or not.

Womb Cancer Support UK
Offers online support, information and advice to women going through womb cancer via their website and their Facebook page.

Women’s Health Concern
Provides an independent service to advise, reassure and educate women of all ages about their health, wellbeing and lifestyle concerns.

Explore our menopause and peri-menopause self resources page

Endometriosis UK
A charity committed to providing much-needed support and information for anyone affected by the endometriosis.

Fertility Network UK
The UK’s leading fertility support network, offering information and support to anyone affected by fertility problems.

Women in sport
A charity working to empower women in sport and to get active, for health, longevity and mental fortitude.

Visit our nutrition and physical health support page for more.

The Fawcett Society
The UK’s leading membership charity campaigning for gender equality and women’s rights at work, at home and in public life.

Rights of Women
Women’s charity providing women with the legal advice and information they need to understand and use the law and their legal rights. Telephone advice lines provide free and confidential legal advice to women.

Women’s charity working to improve policy and practice responses to Black and minoritised women and girls.